A stylistically interesting animated short. I like the twist half way through but the ending left me a bit unsatisfied.
James Wallis on what makes a game a game, in the hopes of offering a critical tool. Ticks all the boxes, great writing along the way.
Well, the cat’s out of the bag it seems. Fellow Dutch Game Garden Xform are working on an AR game for a line of Adidas shoes. I’ve played early demos and am particularly impressed with the graphic polish of the whole thing.
This gives a whole new meaning to the term rephotography. Both expertly executed and sensitive to the social codes of Flickr. I want to play with this live.
“Hoe meer persoonsgegevens je opslaat, hoe groter het risico ze misbruikt worden of op straat terechtkomen. Dat gaat gebeuren.” Dat, en het simpele feit dat er bitter weinig bewijs is voor toegenomen veiligheid door surveillance is genoeg reden om weerstand te blijven bieden. Via Alper.