Alper reports on the Q&A sessions at This happened – Utrecht #2. We asked him to do this, and I must say I am not disappointed with the result. This post is a good reflection of what was discussed during the evening. (In Dutch.)
Month: February 2009
links for 2009-02-26
“Find me a single profession, no matter how old, that doesn’t have these same variations, tensions and spectrums of interest or philosophical approach. If it’s a living, thriving profession, it’ll have all these things. It’s just that some have been around long enough to have a reified image of stasis.” Few prolific IAs that I know are as articulate and lucid about the relationships between user experience professionals as Hinton is. The guy makes sense.
Tom reports on an idea floating around the S&W studio – a service for ‘endless notebooks’. Makes me want to try my hand at some bookbinding myself…
Alper announces his attendance of the past This happened – Utrecht #2. Soon he’ll post a summary of the Q&As (a little experiment we’re doing to see if we can up the quality of the event’s documentation even further).
links for 2009-02-25
Utrecht-based web agency Rhinofly reports on This happened – Utrecht #2 (in Dutch): “Ik vond het een toffe en inspirerende sessie. Een mix van mensen uit het veld, gevestigde ontwerpers, commerciële bedrijven en studenten spreken openlijk over hun methodes en ideeën en zetten je aan het denken. Dus: volgende keer weer? Jazeker!”
links for 2009-02-24
One of the winning games at this year’s Global Game Jam in NL. Pulse is a collaborative rhythm action game.
Chris experiments with using flight progress strips for to-do management. Ever since reading about them in Where the Action Is I’ve been fascinated with these things. Nice to finally see what they look like.
Iskander has posted a report of the second Dutch This happened within hours of its culmination. Crazy. Interestingly, he’s spotted a theme while we did not plan on having any. In Dutch.
links for 2009-02-19
“Topobo is the world’s first construction toy with kinetic memory, the ability to record and playback physical motion.” An awesome toy. Via Jerome.
“I hear there’s real wooden furniture, and paper books. You can have a lie down and read. / What’s a lie down? / Not sure, but I heard that’s what people did back then. / Crazy. / I can’t wait.” Alex switches from speculative modelling to speculative storytelling. Wonderful.
“The result is a highly dynamic overlay of current conditions, soundings and action potentials made explicit and superimposed on the city — something we might think of as network weather.” An outline of sorts for Greenfield’s new book. Network weather, what a lovely metaphor.
links for 2009-02-18
Lots to chew on in this post on location based services by Matt Jones. I think predictive modelling of the future using past location data is an interesting avenue of exploration. The hardest problem, as far as I’m concerned, is how to communicate the ambiguity and potential multiplicity of said future in visualizations?
links for 2009-02-11
A brief discussion of This happened in Dutch. Mainly focussed on the DIY / grass roots nature of the events and the fact that it is supported by cheap and / or free online tools.
links for 2009-02-07
My friends at Tinker.it! are making prototyping for physical computing even simpler with TinkerKit: “TinkerKit is an Arduino-compatible physical computing prototyping toolkit aimed at design professionals.”
links for 2009-02-04
MIMOA announces their appearance at This happened – Utrecht #2. Looking forward to their talk.
links for 2009-02-02
A short talk by Kevin Slavin at MIND08, about breaking machines “not to escape reality, but to make reality bigger … to evoke in stead of inform … not to ground us further, but to keep us further on our toes”.