Leapfroglog now with MonsterID

MonsterID for Kars Alfrink

Just a quick note to let my read­ers know the com­ments are now adorned with cute lit­tle Mon­sterIDs. I used this cool plug-in to gen­er­ate unique mon­ster pic­tures based on the email address a com­menter leaves behind. Curi­ous what yours looks like? Leave a com­ment and see. The image shown here is my mon­ster (based on kars at leapfrog dot nl).

I used to have gra­vatars, but they did­n’t work as well because hard­ly any com­menters actu­al­ly have a gra­vatar reg­is­tered. These Mon­sterIDs do the hard work for the user. I like hav­ing images in the com­ments to be able to quick­ly see who com­ment­ed and which com­ments are from the same user. It also helps tell apart peo­ple that leave behind the same name.

And, of course, these mon­sters look great!

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.

16 thoughts on “Leapfroglog now with MonsterID”

  1. Scott: it’s awe­some. Com­ment­ing for the first time feels kind of like a lot­tery! No prob­lems on this end with the install. 

    Tom: yes, an amoe­ba. Mon­sterID knows your true identity.

  2. Nope, you used a dif­fer­ent email address ear­li­er, hence the oth­er mon­ster. And no mon­ster swap­ping, sorry!

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