Navigational metaphor. How to use senses.
5 human senses for features of next gen web browser.
Sight Distance — short distance is meaningful People who are looking Peripheral vision Moving through world — active vision All about surface, we only see cover, spectacle
What is sight?
Idea: sitemapdb. Zoals CDDB maar dan voor sites. Crumbtrail, local nav, search.
Smell We’re embedded in smell, we move through it. It’s a mute sense. Maybe we’re moving to smellspace rather than spectacle. Categories for smell are culturally dependent. 5 categories.
Bad meat: no mistake. Code has bad smell sometimes.
For browser we need taste too.
Taste Is active smell. Destroy things in our mouth. Flavor is taste, smell and sight as well.
Voorbeeld: screen grab, page type, terms.
Voorbeeld voor smell: browsing trend, heatmap, all links.
Moving away or towards a smell. Smell like barometer.
Sound Is like sight, it’s spatial. Sound is like smell too. Sound is signal of s’thing alive. Hearing is rhythm analysis.
Idea #4: identified rhythm, others to visit. Who else resonates with me? We could meet each other. Assistance. Make visible personal map of browsing. Map that’s just a map.
Touch Not sure. Touch is low res. Like everything else. Not good for look ahead. If you feeel it, you’re too late.
It’s all browsers do right now. Like stumbling around dark building. We can only flinch. Generalise it, create undo (for ajax).
What does sense involve?
- reception
<li>instant perception</li>
More senses
- Balance
<li>Electroceptive (vogelbekdier!)</li>
Echolocation Sense of closeness. WWII listening ear. Before radar. Virtual glove = mobile phone. Use it to change channel.
Magnetic It’s like GPS! Sound that gets louder when you near decision point.
Electroception Use of peripheral vision. Infostreams. Ambient. Feed forward before something happens.
E.g.: Emergency eject before something bad happens.
Other senses
- Danger
<li>Good or bad</li>
Step back: summarize
Reception isn’t enough we need perception.
Why now?
Wayfinding — “The Image of the City” — direct toepasbaar op grote websites. Direct manipulation is dominant. Navigating isn’t enough.
Data exists everywhere and we’re just revealing it.
Renaissance of the senses.
Before pangea — early cambrian period. Illustration of sea floor. Dirty seas — only touch on surface. Seas clear, light penetrates, sight and senses were necessary. Ideas in book are nonsense but designers can use it. We’re in the same situation. Oceans of internet are clearing. We’re building super senses.
End. No questions?!
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