Nguyen want­ed to make games for peo­ple like him­self: busy, har­ried, always on the move. “I pic­tured how peo­ple play,” he says, as he taps his iPhone and reach­es his oth­er hand in the air. “One hand hold­ing the train strap.” He’d make a game for them.

The Flight of the Bird­man: Flap­py Bird Cre­ator Dong Nguyen Speaks Out | Cul­ture News | Rolling Stone

A sub­tle detail of inter­ac­tion that is missed by many who look at a game in itself and don’t take the con­text of play in consideration.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.