A research agenda of sorts

Let’s make an attempt to focus this blog a bit more. Maybe make it a bit more use­ful as a research and design tool. So here’s a list of things I am cur­rent­ly inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about. They all tie into projects at Hub­bub, so I’ll list them by project codename.

  • For BUTA: ani­mals, ani­mal ethics, ani­mal cog­ni­tion, art and design inspired by or aimed at ani­mals, etc.
  • For SAKE: sto­ry­telling, col­lab­o­ra­tive sto­ry­telling, multi­user author­ing envi­ron­ments, role­play­ing games (table­top, live, com­put­er), etc.
  • For KOHI: cof­fee, culi­nary apps, gas­tron­o­my, tools for improv­ing your skill at smelling and tast­ing things, etc.

And if these cross over and min­gle and lead to new things all togeth­er: so much the better.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.