… in the hyper­so­cial atmos­phere of Face­book, it is enough to just make noise to fake a per­sona. No actu­al inter­ac­tion is required. And there is so much noise that the loss of one voice means noth­ing — there are a bil­lion oth­ers ready to step up to join the cho­rus of social cacoph­o­nia. … I don’t think it’s real­ly con­tact … just reflec­tions from ran­dom angled surfaces.

But­tUg­ly: Main_blogentry_050712_1

I’ve made sim­i­lar attempts at ditch­ing Face­book in the past and had sim­i­lar experiences.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.