Leapfroglog slightly screwed

Due to a screwed up Word­Press upgrade from 2.1 to 2.1.1 this blog is now slight­ly borked. Most notably, the cus­tom theme I so painstak­ing­ly cre­at­ed is lost, as well as all the images in the posts that were not includ­ed via Flickr. I’ll see if I can res­cue some stuff from old back­ups. Until then, you’ll have to do with the default theme (most of you won’t notice con­sid­er­ing that you’re read­ing the blog in your feed read­er anyway).

That’ll teach me to do an upgrade while ill… 

Update: I’ve man­aged to restore most of what I lost dur­ing the upgrade. If you come across any­thing fun­ny, please let me know. Reg­u­lar blog­ging will con­tin­ue from this point on.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.