Reboot 8 announced

Mark Wubben’s Flickr pho­to­stream has a shot of his iCal with Reboot 8 in it. Last year’s Reboot 7 was a blast – excel­lent speak­ers, low entry fee, nice loca­tion and above all a very relaxed atmos­phere. Jesse James Gar­rett and Bruce Ster­ling are con­firmed speak­ers, worth the admis­sion alone methinks. I’m already look­ing for­ward to attend­ing this year’s “Roskilde of the inter­net” will you join me?

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.

4 thoughts on “Reboot 8 announced”

  1. Pingback: Alper's Tech Blog
  2. Kom op Tom, niet zo zuur — vorig jaar was het toch ook geweldig? ;-) Overi­gens is Bruce Ster­ling (naar het schi­jnt) ook erg de moeite waard. Maar goed, ik ben dan ook een cyberpunk-fan.

  3. Sounds inter­est­ing and sto­ries from last year were pret­ty good. Let me think about it.

    The pro­gram is still pret­ty bare and when Mark post­ed the screen­shot the site was com­plete­ly emp­ty. But things should come togeth­er nice­ly. Maybe an impromp­tu Bar­camp on the spot and Copen­hagen is sup­posed to be very nice.


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