God I love WordPress. I got gravatars working in 15 minutes using the plugin and a dash of CSS. Now you too can be rewarded for leaving your e‑mail address with one of those nifty headshots.
5 thoughts on “Gravatars are go!”
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See, those gravatars are so cool… ;-)
Show me the monkeeeeeeeeeey!
(although normally the gravatar doesnt get your emailadress, but your domein name to grab the favicon… ?)
Oh stupid me, I was talking about the other thing that’s actually cooler then gravatars (since it doesnt require some special registration thingy): Favatars > http://dev.wp-plugins.org/wiki/favatars
Cool! 15 minutes? 1 second in Typo. Just select the “Enable Gravatar integration” and you are ready. And come to speak of it, where is the “Preview Comment” button?
But you know I love WordPress too. ;-)