If the dogs no longer guard­ed the sheep, he observes, they would be tak­en by the wolves (again, at once the clos­est ances­tors and the fiercest ene­mies of the dogs). “In deny­ing us the bones,” the dogs protest, “you will lose them along with the meat.” We, in oth­er words, eat the beasts of the field togeth­er, and it is this arrange­ment that keeps us alive, and that gives shape and mean­ing to the pro­noun in the first-per­son plural.

Ecce Can­is — Justin Erik Halldór Smith

Fan­tas­tic arti­cle on the coevo­lu­tion of dogs and humans, and its philo­soph­i­cal implications.

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Designer turned design researcher. Postdoc at TU Delft. Exploring contestable AI.