Reboot 8.0 photos are up

I spend the morn­ing going through my pho­tos of Reboot 8.0. I had near 800 of them, so that was quite the exer­cise. Now there’s 147 in a set over at my Flickr account. It was nice to relive the whole expe­ri­ence while going through the shots, made me real­ize I saw and did a hell of a lot in two days. No won­der I was so tired when I got home.

Here’s my favorite shot of the set, apt­ly sum­ma­riz­ing the theme of this year’s event, “renais­sance?” with Ben Ham­mer­s­ley danc­ing around the stage flanked by Mona Lisa and a bat­tered PowerBook.

Ben Hammersley dancing around the stage flanked by Mona Lisa and a battered PowerBook

Reboot 8.0 post mortem

I’m back in Utrecht after a few great days in Copen­hagen. Reboot 8.0 was sur­pris­ing­ly good this year. I was afraid it would­n’t mea­sure up to the awe­some qual­i­ty of last year, but I was wrong. Per­haps this year was even bet­ter. I’ll have to digest every­thing a lit­tle more before I can say for sure.

I’ll get back lat­er with some thoughts on impor­tant issues that were brought up dur­ing the event. But first I’m off to Italy for two weeks of vaca­tion and some much need­ed rest. 

So pho­tos and in depth analy­sis will have to wait a lit­tle longer. Back in a few weeks!

Rough notes from Euan Semple — There’s something going on here that is bigger than any of us

What does it all mean?

Print­ing press anal­o­gy. Press changed the way we saw the world. We’ll have sim­i­lar shift in the future (long term). But: they used to burn heretics as well. Not every­one will want to adopt this.

7 years since Clue­train: lots of stuff is still the same

Change will not hap­pen thanks to tech. 

Three myths

  1. Hier­ar­chy is the only way to orga­nize stuff, from church through mil­i­tary, etc. but: hyper­links sub­vert hier­ar­chy. Once peo­ple start employ­ing them it has a dis­rup­tive effect, break­ing though hierarchies.
  2. If we take cer­tain steps we’ll be suc­cess­ful. But suc­cess got scrambled.
  3. Carte­sian anx­i­ety: stress due to sep­a­ra­tion of indi­vid­ual and rest of the world (per­spec­tive). Mis­un­der­stand­ing of evo­lu­tion, it should be about pass­ing around what works (faster), not killing off the weak.

It’s eas­i­er to do good than to do bad” — Jim­my Wales

LOVE: that’s what makes the inter­net hang togeth­er (and it’s not about the huge amounts of porn). Tol­er­ance, the need to con­nect. Reboot is very much about this. 

Inter­net cre­ates oppor­tu­ni­ties for bet­ter under­stand­ing of shared meaning.

Every­thing is moti­vat­ed by love or fear and fear is just absence of love.

He did­n’t get where he was today… by using fear.

Col­lu­sion: peo­ple don’t want to admit to what they’re doing is wrong.

Anar­chy actu­al­ly means the ulti­mate in democ­ra­cy. Is it so bad to frag­ment huge institutions. 

Every soci­ety has peo­ple that see them­selves as main­tain­ers of order (although they don’t know what that order is). 

The web cuts out the mid­dle men (main­tain­ers of order).

The idea that the online world is imma­ture and dan­ger­ous is wrong. Google nev­er for­gets. Think about the stuff you say.

Don’t com­plain, don’t say no.

Do the right thing.

Stat­ing the obvi­ous, say the way you think the world should be and it’ll turn out that way.

See­ing some­thing inter­est­ing, then judg­ing your­self if it’s valu­able enough and pub­lish­ing it. Oth­er peo­ple doing the same as an effect and on and on.

It’s not about tech. but it isn’t utopia either. You should take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you do.

Dalai Lama quote: it’s about rela­tion­ships and being social.­thinggoingonherethatisbig­gerthananyof_us

Rough notes for Chris Heathcote — A mobile Internet manifesto

It isn’t Nokia pol­i­cy, he’s try­ing to be provocative.

1b inter­net 2b mobile user 5b unconnected

many net­works, you’ll be con­nect­ed to the internet

100% voice, 50% java, 10% native apps

these are not barriers:

dis­play device speed text entry net­work speed

1000 bln. text mes­sages in 2005

we might be the last gen. that uses querty

fixed 1000M wire­less 100M fixed inter­net 10M wire­less inter­net 1M

peo­ple want ter­abyte speed, we need to think what’s good enough now

we’re there already

bar­ri­ers: data cost, bat­tery life, 2 hour prob­lem, smart networks

a pic­ture used to cost 15 euros to upload

fixed price is real­ly impor­tant in data

bat­tery has­n’t seen inno­va­tion like the rest of mobile tech.

in the west we’re always less than 2 hours away from a “real” computer

David S. Isen­berg: fat pipe, always on, get out of the way

assump­tion is that mobile phones can’t work in a dumb net­work, rich client sutuation

they are

mobile inter­net does not exist!

good mobile browsers, they’re here

oth­er impor­tant stuff: smart clients — easy to devel­op: Flash Lite, Python

brows­er is like swiss army knife

E.g.: Back­pack. Nice web app. He’s been try­ing to make a mobile ver­sion of Backpack. 

Why is that different?

He can’t release it pub­licly yet, but he will soon.

PC + mobile: home + away

They’re far more use­ful togeth­er than seperate

What’s use­ful? 10 x eas­i­er 10 x cheap­er 10 x a day

Mind like water (GTD) mobile is excel­lent for this, you can action them

Mobile is social

Timekilling? Com­pe­ti­tion: books, iPods, etc.

Social is more inter­est­ing, you want to take those ele­ments from web apps to mobile

Inter­net is push + pull

Demo time!

Mobile web brows­er: access to all kinds of phone stuff. 

He loves it, he wants to see peo­ple build stuff with it.

Out of sight mes­sage: because he want­ed a domain he’s going through a proxy.

Not being online all the time is inter­est­ing from a pres­ence point of view.

no need for sep­a­rate mobile sites

basic acces­si­bil­i­ty and web stan­dards still rule

lots of web­sites are assum­ing users have lots of band­width — that’s bad on both the web and mobile

data is very impor­tant (use­ful data)

APIs are great, XML is great, as long as they work

we’re not spe­cial: Google tries to be help­ful by forc­ing you into the mobile version

Don’t repur­pose con­tent for mobile. 

Peo­ple are peo­ple… they’re the same. They have the same needs. Make sure they have access.

Cre­ate mobile sites. Aim at the 2b, not the 1b. 

Mobile is going to be the main way to access the inter­net in the future.

Voice is inter­est­ing as well. 

Q One thing you men­tioned is flat rates. We can’t solve it as devs. Any ideas to force car­ri­ers to do it? A Car­ri­ers aren’t as uncan­ny as you think. They real­ize that mon­ey can be made from flat rate. 

Sites can be built for mobile using web stan­dards eas­i­ly. That’s key.

Q What do you need for the mobile Back­pack? A The series 60 phones run­ning Python. We want to open source it so peo­ple can port it.

Rough notes from Robert Willim — I’m taking a ride — curve surfing and speed mania

Hard to start after Doc’s talk.

Ph.D. on Fram­fab. And on new econ­o­my and dot com boom and bust.

What hap­pened back then? To see if there are any similarities…

Open ques­tion

How do we pre­dict twists of history?

How do we make sense in heat­ed times?


Start­ed 5, at top it was 2000.

He made a ethno­graph­ic study of their office and looked at the soft­ware called Bricks.

Envi­sion­ing / claim­ing / cre­at­ing the future — the future factory

CEO is good visionary

Com­mu­ni­cate vision through spa­tial metaphors

Ex. vir­tu­al land grab, idea of pio­neers and movers

Oth­er: curve surf­ing — s‑curve often used to graph innovation.

Web 2.0: how can you tell where you are on the curve? Men­tal­ly you can surf the curve.

It’s like trav­el­ing on a train track. Tech­no­log­i­cal deter­min­ism. It’s not that easy, soci­ety is much more com­plex, tech isn’t the only dri­ving force. It has to do with what we use it for.

What are visions? 

Con­jur­ing, mak­ing a future tangible. 

One way is to extrap­o­late trends through curve surf­ing. This is quite simplistic. 

E.g. think­ing about bridge between Den­mark and Swe­den in 1930ies.

Oth­er ex.: think­ing on com­put­ers in 1980ies — peo­ple will become robots.

Vapor­ware: lock­ing a con­sumer’s mind. E.g. Mac­Book vs. PowerBook.

Speed mania, when speed is seen as inher­ent­ly positive

First mover advan­tage, escape velocity

The suprema­cy of speed was idea behind Framfab

…con­cep­tu­al congruity?

Flow / reflexivity

Go with the flow… but where are we going? (Good one!)

Peo­ple dur­ing dot­com boom were reflex­ive, but still they did­n’t see it coming?

Back to the two questions…

How to find twists of history?

Book on 404 — lack of mem­o­ry on inter­net. SS19 mis­siles in USSR: after cold war they’re still made but now to launch satel­lites. Nice exam­ple of reap­pro­pri­a­tion of exist­ing tech.

Mak­ing sense in heat­ed times?

When do col­lec­tives become intel­li­gent and when do they go stupid? 

Rec­om­men­da­tions: keep ties loose, have a diverse collective


Q Do you see a bub­ble 2.0? How does it com­pare to the first one? A It’s much hard­er to get that amount of mon­ey. Finan­cial mar­ket is dif­fer­ent now. Focus is on prod­uct itself. Old­er com­pa­nies aren’t eas­i­ly cheat­ed by web people. 

Q Does he see any rhetoric trends? A Idea of tech deter­min­ism is still there. In a way tech is the start, but it does­n’t hap­pen automatically. 

Q It seems that bub­bles are nec­es­sary for evo­lu­tion. Rev­o­lu­tion has already hap­pened. We’re at the fore­front. Which is nice. A Back then the rhetoric had bad timing.­ingaride-curvesurf­ingandspeed_maniaThe

Rough notes for Doc Searls — Keynote

He’s in busi­ness drag (kin­da like Ben). Dropped it into puddle.

Mar­kets 2.0

Beyond a whole bunch of isms.

Mar­kets are con­ver­sa­tions: they’re not just (a whole bunch of things). Stuff that reduces is to transactions.

Want­ed change it.

Mar­kets used to be real places, where cul­ture was produced.

Feed­back on Clue­train from the real marketplace:

Mar­kets are also relationships.

Also trans­ac­tions, and conversations. 

Killer app is rela­tion­ships. We’re just begin­ning to see it.

Search for Reboot 8 on Google. Rel­a­tive­ly sta­t­ic stuff, not live. 

Yahoo! and Google actu­al­ly do search the live web. 

They make a dis­tinc­tion between blogs and the web.

Shows Google Blog search results, pret­ty live.

Tech­no­rati — pret­ty live. (I’m there too!)

Why is Tech­no­rati inno­vat­ing where Google is just performing?

It depends on where we come from.

Google comes from the sta­t­ic web.

Why make a dis­tinc­tion between blogs and the web?

They could mix them in…

There’s branch­ing off going on.

Branch­ing between time and space.

Sta­t­ic: looks for bil­lions Live: lis­ten­ing to millions

time-to-index of under one minute

Respond only to signs of life.

Live web is time and peo­ple, those that have relationships…

Sta­t­ic web is a haystack, here’s one vir­tu­al straw… [url]

Every­thing after domain name is chaos, that’s why we need search.

Live web is orga­nized chrono­log­i­cal­ly. Isn’t a haystack, it has struc­ture. It has a history.

we are human beings and our reach exceeds your grasp, deal with it”

live web, demand sup­plies itself

on sta­t­ic web too but slower

Live web is a lot more than blogging

Best blog­ging is pro­vi­sion­al not fin­ished or final

indus­tri­al pub­lish­ers cre­ate fin­ished products

best of blog­ging is about rolling snow­balls, not push­ing rocks up the hill

you roll out an idea, if it grows and gets some­where it’s not yours

pod­cast­ing as exam­ple of snowballing

The great unbundling: e.g. YouTube, Tivo (video)…

More con­tent: hor­ri­ble world, sounds like pack­ag­ing, you can’t snow­ball it, it’s fixed.

It’s about con­sumers becom­ing producers. 

Val­ue chain is replaced with val­ue constellation. 

Live web will help dri­ve the inten­tion econ­o­my. ETech: atten­tion econ­o­my, eye­balls — crap. Move to intention.

atten­tion > deci­sion > intention

This is vir­gin the­o­ry, most­ly because we’ve been focussed on marketing.

Why are sales & mar­ket­ing VPs from sales and not marketing?

Sales is real, mar­ket­ing is strate­gic… Mar­ket­ing is bullshit.

Searls law #14: it does­n’t mat­ter what car you want to rent you’ll get a Chevy Cavalier.

His car sucks… so he rents cars.

Car rental is good study for inde­pen­dent iden­ti­ty. They’re all bad.

On the web they’re all mar­ket­ing silos. 

Rent­ing from Bud­get: he might get a Ford Focus. Good han­dling, MP3’s. But he gets a Chevy Cavalier.

Less focus on cap­tur­ing cos­tumers and try­ing to meet demand and improve ser­vice and enlarge marketplace.

Users have lots of rela­tion­ships that are use­ful, they have needs that aren’t in CRM.

Inten­tion econ­o­my has inad­e­quate infra­struc­ture. Free mar­ket is still choice of silos.

We need to know how civ­i­liza­tion grows, pace lay­er­ing, Long Now, Stu­art Brand.

Mar­kets rely on infra­struc­ture. Grow a mar­ket? Cre­ate infrastructure.

Com­merce con­tributes infra­struc­ture, infra­struc­ture sup­ports commerce.

Earth to com­put­er indus­try: com­modi­ties are good!

Hol­ly­wood wants a silo.

Com­merce gov­erns infra­struc­ture and the natives can go to hell.

Will the net route around Hol­ly­wood and the carriers?

Enor­mous pow­er of because-effect.

Fight for new civ­i­liza­tion. Net wants to be as fast and open as your hard drive.

Car­ri­ers will fight that knowl­edge. Workarounds: enter­pris­ing customers.

Peo­ple are already fight­ing. Bet on the people.

E.g. Lafayette Pro Fibre, Munic­i­pal Wireless.

Let’s talk…

Rough notes for Julian Bleecker and Nicolas Nova — Networked objects and the new ecology of things

Any­thing can have meaning.


  • Inter­net of things report by ITU
  • Shap­ing things — Ster­ling, “spimes”
  • Thinglink
  • Man­i­festo of net­worked objects

Num­ber of con­ver­sa­tions. ITU report: phi­los­o­phy relat­ed to biz effi­cien­cy, what about social dimension?

Blog­jects Does the thing itself par­tic­i­pate in con­tent cir­cu­la­tion? E.g.: AIBO blog plat­form, indi­ca­tor of how an instru­ment can engage in social web. 

Geospa­tial traces E.g.: Flight aware, see air­plane tra­jec­to­ries. Inter­est­ing thing is how bod­ies become dig­i­tal man­i­fes­ta­tions, the oth­er way around is excit­ing too. Occu­py­ing the world in a more sus­tain­able way.

Show­ing where objects are. Cur­rent­ly this stuff comes from mil­i­tary or art world. They also know where they’ve been. 

Tail num­ber is like thinglink for planes. CIA ter­ror planes — plane-spot­ters — unmarked planes. 

If objects start blog­ging we might get new insights in how the world works.

Blog­jects know their ori­gin. E.g.: “How is stufff made”

Blog­jects have agency, they can trig­ger actions and shape social prac­tice. E.g.: TripSense. Track­ing dri­ving habits. Pro­vides access to how he moved about SF. Impact he had on envi­ron­ment. How many trips he made. Insight on how he could be more eco-friendly.

Blog­jects pro­vide for new logistics.

So what?

It’s not just about tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tion and inter­fac­ing of objects. It’s about the social dimension.

This is part of a glob­al trend, things being part of a larg­er ecology.

Cre­at­ing leg­i­bil­i­ty and transparency

Blog­ging pigeon. GSM back­pack. Nice because it ele­vates the pigeon and is very low-tech.

Send­ing pur­chased objects to MySpace. 

Estab­lish­ing rela­tion­ships between phys­i­cal and vir­tu­al worlds. Bar­codes, tags, stick­ers, etc. Nabaz­tag. Weak sig­nals > blogjects.

Mov­ing ahead 

  • series of work­shops to design blogjects
  • online and offline discourse
  • cat­a­logu­ing and track blogjects

Their ques­tions

  • how to go from biz effi­cien­cy to social sustainability?
  • are blog­jects up to the challenge?
  • are social beings pre­pared to inter­act with blogjects?

Our ques­tions Q Maybe it’s like objects turn­ing them more into nature in the sense that bthey talkj back and are not part of us. A We’re cohab­it­ing with our artefacts. 

Q Are objects now doing ethnog­ra­phy of us? A Com­pa­nies are inter­est­ed in that idea, even beyond ethnog­ra­phy, usage track­ing. Is that s’thing we want?­o­gyof_things

Rough notes for Jyri Engeström — Blind Men’s Baseball

Part 2 of three-part track. Last one’s Chris Heath­cote’s one.

Why base­ball?

Not beer, hot­dogs, hat etc.

It takes a long time… Lot of it is pre­tend­ing to pitch etc. Pitch­ers are glanc­ing all the time. That’s the aspect that’s inter­est­ing to him.

Impor­tant social consequences.

1 Spa­tial

See­ing sur­round­ing space in the present. Focussing, see­ing the whole at once while you’re in it your­self. (Reminds me of Japan­ese mar­tial con­cept op zan­shin.) Con­cept of thee whole: when you lack it — exam­ple of the three blind men and ele­phant. What if they decid­ed to go play base­ball? They’ll only be able to com­mu­ni­cate about their posi­tion by shouting. 

No periph­er­al vision = nav­i­gat­ing in the dark

Link with tech:

Phone: assump­tion is that you know who you’ll call. 

Except: before dial­ing you make a lot of oth­er choic­es about tim­ing etc: where are they, what are they doing?

Phones don’t tell you much currently…

Oy! Where u at?”

IM: state indi­ca­tors, place indi­ca­tors, etc. (Plazes plugin).

Cross pol­li­nate mobile with IM interfaces.

Anal­o­gy to dri­ving in traf­fic, con­stant­ly pay­ing atten­tion to what oth­er dri­vers are doing and adjusting.

When info is out there, peo­ple will start being more polite.

This is all about spa­tial aspect, which is about present tense.

Oth­er aspect: time.

Hock­ey: great play­ers play where the puck will be. Anticipation.

See­ing each oth­er as vec­tors, spa­tial and tem­po­ral at the same time.

Space­balls clip.

Orga­niz­ing life: cal­en­dar designed with assump­tion that only your won cal­en­dar matters…

Mobile 2.0 isn’t about mul­ti­me­dia. It’s about social inter­ac­tions. Bet­ter social periph­er­al vision.

Where will this lead? 

Look­ing to WoW for exam­ples of ways to enhance periph­er­al vision.

Ques­tion: what will this look like in mobile device?

His social sci­ence back­ground isn’t always help­ful, but it allows him to look at the oth­er side of the coin — those that are left behind.

Peo­ple who are left out will seem more and more out of it socially.

Exam­ple from Abbott and Costello.

Ques­tions Q Why don’t oper­a­tors inno­vate more? A He thinks it’ll come from 3rd par­ty devs that get the web. He does­n’t have much con­fi­dence in oper­a­tors. Tech­ni­cal­ly more and more is becom­ing pos­si­ble (Python, Flash, WiFi).

Q Oth­er peo­ple’s cal­en­dars: Inti­ma­cy, are we using tools to replace our innate abil­i­ties to track things. A Out­sourc­ing men­tal activ­i­ty to devices. You for­get how to do it your­self. Phone num­bers, you can’t remem­ber them any­more. Tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tions are built as bleed­ing edge as long tech chains. If stuff breaks they become use­less. E.g. Kat­ri­na, box­ing day tsuna­mi. Elec­tric­i­ty goes out, the rest is useless.

Q Exam­ples shown are only for close­ly tied peo­ple. What are appli­ca­tions for larg­er groups, fil­ter­ing, etc.? A Absolute­ly, third aspect miss­ing is past: rec­om­men­da­tions, com­ments on places vis­it­ed. Flickr is about the past. Web is good at orga­niz­ing that stuff. That’s why mul­ti­me­dia won’t take off on mobile.

Q On tech­no­log­i­cal replace­ment: scale of things is increas­ing. How do you man­age that? Reminds him of Wild­fire. Pro­gram­ming devices on reach-abil­i­ty. A Pri­va­cy set­tings will lim­it our range. It’ll keep increas­ing (pos­si­ble range) become more and more ad-hoc. Instead of net­work­ing, notworking.­ball

Rough notes for Tom Armitage — What social software can learn from Homer, Dickens, and Marvel Comics

Dick­ens, cliffhang­er on every page

Putting data on dis­play = publishing

Blogs are fragmentary

Every sin­gle thing you do needs to be dat­ed for context

In hind­sight it’ll show you patterns

Exam­ple: Infovore and pre­vi­ous blog actu­al­ly join

Col­lect data across bound­aries (chrono­log­i­cal, dig­i­tal, physical)

Nos­tal­gia, be fuzzy, look­ing back at old sto­ries etc.

Anal­o­gy of reviews of books with com­ments on blog — mak­ing it livelier.

If some­thing counts (com­ments, sta­tis­tics) make them acces­si­ble and public.

Fin. ser­i­al narrative.

Next: epic


How can some­one remem­ber these huge stories?

Because they use known struc­tures and for­mu­las, conventions.

You can leave out stuff. Two tellings are nev­er the same.

He does­n’t believe in sin­gle sign-up. Stuff will be dif­fer­ent between sites.

Pro­files of peo­ple should be dif­fer­ent between sites.

Retroac­tive con­ti­nu­ity (ret­con)

delib­er­ate­ly chang­ing pre­vi­ous­ly estab­lished facts in fiction”

Cri­sis on Infi­nite Earths (Mar­vel) start­ing anew

Social soft­ware: revis­ing ear­li­er versions.

E.g.: Flickr replace button.

Fic­tion — telling lies, no let’s tell untruths

Truth: some­thing with no delib­er­ate dis­hon­esty” — Andrew Losowsky,

The Door­bells of Flo­rence (on Fiickr)


Give peo­ple the chance to use some­thing else than their real name. Per­sonas are impor­tant. Han­dle based cul­ture has exist­ed for a long time online.

Expect peo­ple to tell untruths.

Kaycee Nicole Swen­son hoax Dying of leukemia, Pay­Pal, blog­ging, died, but not real­ly, she was an old woman.

No default for truth.

Fic­tion­al char­ac­ters on Friendster. 

Vin­cent Gal­lo on site — delet­ed too but it was real­ly him…

Wikipedia should mix both fic­tion and truth

Telling the sto­ry (final section)

The lan­guage you use is important

(Jar­head is a great book.)

You should tell a tale and talk as lit­tle as pos­si­ble in your own voice.

Breed­ster, art project, insect, eat­ing, shit­ting and hav­ing sex. Sex­u­al dis­ease — every­one became infertile.

User expe­ri­ence is important.

Good sto­ry­telling can’t save a ter­ri­ble story.


When you cre­ate social soft­ware, look to sto­ry­telling for inspiration.


Q We should have a debate about truth and fic­tion. A Inter­net does­n’t have a laugh­ter track and it nev­er will. We expect comm. media to be truth­ful but pub­lish­ing media to be used for fic­tion. Inter­net is both… Friend that was evict­ed from WoW because of role­play­ing a racist char­ac­ter. There is a risk that the net will get real­ly po-faced.

Q How can we go about deter­min­ing who’s real­ly who? A Exam­ple of phish­ing (Pay­pal), lots of peo­ple will believe you when you just get the style right. With text it’s real­ly easy to pre­tend to be some­one else. Real names should­n’t be forced to pub­lish their real names.­warecanlearnfromHomer%2CDickens%2CandMar­velComics

Rough notes for Stowe Boyd — The Revolution Will Be Socialized

Start with a joke that you need to apol­o­gize for (Amer­i­ca and Japan).

Sup­posed to be reboot­ed, but has­n’t man­aged to do it just yet.

JJG’s pre­sen­ta­tion is a good “foil” for his talk.

He’s work­ing a lot with web 2.0 com­pa­nies. He’s very busy, seen a lot of busi­ness mod­els. Try­ing to help them deter­mine wether it’ll work or change it so it does.

The rev­o­lu­tion will not be tele­vised” — Gil Scott heron

Stuff like Ama­zon’s is the future of online commerce.

Rev­o­lu­tion will be social­ized”: opposed to that, it will be about social networks. 

Old quote: from acci­den­tal change of social struc­tures through soft­ware to social change through soft­ware by design.

Sym­po­sium on Social Architecture 

  • From some­where they find some­thing else, then read it or ges­ture (tag, com­ment, link, etc)
  • User gen­er­at­ed con­tent (ugh), is like a ges­tur­al space
  • Peo­ple vs. machines

Engines of meaning 

  • We’ll need machines to man­age the huge amount of data being cre­at­ed (Bruce Ster­ling quote).
  • Means of sort­ing won’t be known
  • We’ll be trawl­ing with engines with meaning…”

Rev­o­lu­tion among the revolutionaries 

  • What does web 2.0 mean? Lot’s of bat­tles going on.
  • Core ques­tion: what’s worth building?
  • Sim­ple three step process to find social dimen­sion in product
  • Enter­prise soft­ware lacks soul.
  • An app is a col­lec­tion of func­tions — this is wrong.

Exam­ple: wine sites 

  • Cre­at­ing site based on func­tions: feels like a db
  • Turn it side­ways, intro­duce social dimen­sion, func­tion­al­i­ty is secondary
  • Things we do are large­ly not done as individuals
  • 2nd step: look­ing at networks
  • Last dimen­sion: markets
  • Most com­pa­nies fail to cre­ate a large enough market

Online mar­kets

  • E.g. Ama­zon
  • — changed his life, counter to Ama­zon exam­ple, dis­cov­ered he had the musi­cal taste of a 23 years old British woman… Viable com­pe­ti­tion to Ama­zon and iTunes because of bet­ter expe­ri­ence due to human dimension
  • What’s at thee mar­ket’s core? Case study: x:posted — brings blog­gers into con­tact with peo­ple look­ing for blog con­tent. You can take mod­el to apply to busi­ness plan and find viable business.
  • Prob­lem with Base­camp: no fed­er­at­ed iden­ti­ty. They did it wrong, because they did­n’t go through the three steps.
  • Social soft­ware (archi­tec­ture) have soul
  • Actu­al e‑commerce will move away from algo­rith­mic archi­tec­tures to social­ized interactions
  • Suc­cess­ful apps will cre­ate a market


Q Apps need big­ger mar­kets: the rea­son they’re keep­ing it small is because they built it for them­selves. Social stuff inher­ent­ly needs a small group… Social soft­ware does­n’t scale. A You can have a tight prod­uct and still take in the social dimen­sion. You need kar­ma etc.­o­lu­tionWillBeSocial­ized:SocialArchi­tec­tureandTheFutureofOnlineMar­kets