Let’s see if we can post from IMified

So I’m giv­ing IMi­fied (www.imified.com) a spin and have just added the Word­Press ser­vice to see if it works. For those that haven’t heard about IMi­fied yet; it allows you to do a num­ber of things through instant mes­sag­ing (MSN, Google Talk, what­ev­er). For instance add stuff to your Back­pack account, or like I’m doing now, write a blog post. Let’s pub­lish this to see what hap­pens, hit­ting ‘return’…

Update: Looks like it’s work­ing! I had to man­u­al­ly insert the link to the web­site and also go into Word­Press to add some cat­e­gories, so it’s only real­ly use­ful when you want to fire off a quick note. As a bonus, here’s the Adi­um win­dow with a tran­script of the IMi­fied ses­sion.

Edgeio launches

Devel­op­ment of an open plat­form for list­ings con­tin­ues with yes­ter­day’s launch of Edgeio. This ser­vice picks up on blog post that are marked as a list­ing using a Micro­for­mat-like tag and col­lects them on a web­site for users to search through. They have some nifty inter­faces in place to allow you to zoom in on list­ings that are close to you. One thing they haven’t addressed yet (but are aware of) is the prob­lem of fake list­ings and spam.

Struc­tured Blog­ging is work­ing in the same field, but from a dif­fer­ent angle (focussing on the blog­gers, not the site that col­lects list­ings). I wrote about them ear­li­er over here (in Dutch). The biggest chal­lenge for the Edgeio crew is prob­a­bly gain­ing crit­i­cal mass to be able to com­pete with the likes of eBay.

Every­one was blog­ging about this yes­ter­day, here are some of the posts:

  1. TechCrunch » Edgeio Launches
  2. Read/WriteWeb: edgeio launch­es with same goals as Struc­tured Blogging
  3. WeBreak­Stuff » Edgeio launches
  4. GigaOM : » Edgeio Launch­es, Finally
  5. Rus­sell Beat­tie Note­book — Play­ing with EdgeIO

I want to be a tumblelogger

After stum­bling across Pro­jec­tion­ist and being pleas­ant­ly sur­prised, I start­ed to catch on to this new meme called tum­blel­og. Basi­cal­ly it’s about blog­ging small snipets of stuff, from lyrics, to IM tran­scripts to quotes to any­thingh real­ly, but with each bit in its own dis­tinct look & feel. 

Now to change Leapfroglog over to Leapfrogtumblelog…

A tumblelog

(Updat­ed to cor­rect some writ­ing.) (And a screenshot.)

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