Sim­i­lar to the Con­sumer Prod­uct Safe­ty Com­mis­sion Recall list, or the Cen­ter for Dis­ease Con­trol inves­ti­ga­tions reports, the Infra­struc­ture Report reminds you of just how many hor­ri­ble ways to suf­fer death, injury, or incon­ve­nience there are in our con­tem­po­rary times, and how we’re not approach­ing the brink of soci­etal col­lapse, but rolling around in the surf with it on a dai­ly basis.”

Always a good reminder: col­lapse is not dis­creet but grad­ual (although per­haps in some cas­es prone to phase shifts).

(via ele­ments of col­lapse | THE STATE)

Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.