BBC social software goodness

Lots of nice things appear­ing out of the Bee­b’s offices these days. Two recent projects that appeared on my radar: 

  • Anno­tat­able Audio is a project Tom Coates was involved with. It’s about wiki-style anno­ta­tion of online audio with some extreme­ly impres­sive Flash good­ness (such as live audio scrub­bing) thrown in for good measure.
  • The BBC archive will be opened up to the pub­lic using an IMDB-style web­site. Both Ben Ham­mer­s­ley and Matt Bid­dulph wrote about this. They’ve got amaz­ing high qual­i­ty meta­da­ta to work with — allow­ing all kinds of cross ref­er­enc­ing. It’s built with Ruby on Rails, allow­ing for plen­ty of AJAX niceness.
(Update: I admit the last one isn’t social soft­ware; but it’s still cool.)

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Published by

Kars Alfrink

Kars is a designer, researcher and educator focused on emerging technologies, social progress and the built environment.